Premier test

Avec Drush version :  6.2.0 (sur vm "Drupal6.14 Jaunty04 64-bit TEST")

sudo drush @ixe6 sup @ixe7

Impossible à migrer tq:

sudo drush @ixe6 sup @ixe7 --uninstall=date_api    erreur =>
sudo drush @ixe6 dis date_api
sudo drush @ixe6 sup @ixe7

sudo drush @ixe6 pm-disable token, content, filefield, nodereference, optionwidgets, text, ctools, imageapi, imagecache, mimemail, simplenews, nodewords, taxonomy_menu, ckeditor, jquery_update, views, views_attach, views_ui, xmlsitemap, xmlsitemap_engines, xmlsitemap_node, xmlsitemap_taxonomy, zen_me


Crée copie de la db, nommée ixe7db, et dans le settings.php

# Added by drush site-upgrade.
$db_prefix = '';
# New db_url:
$db_url = 'mysql://nom-user-d6:pw-d6@localhost/ixe7db';
# New databases array:
$databases = array (...

sudo drush updatedb   (pour résoudre le soucis token)
sudo drush dl ckeditor  jquery_update, views, xmlsitemap ctools
sudo drush en ctools ckeditor  jquery_update, views

erreur: Base table or view not found: 1146 Table 'ixe7db.ckeditor_input_format' doesn't exist

sudo drush pml

Image (image)  + rdf +search +syslog                                              Module  Not installed  7.31 
sudo drush en book views_ui xmlsitemap_menu xmlsitemap_node Garland seven
erreur sur book qui existe déja + Base table or view not found ixe7db.ckeditor_input_format
sudo drush en bartik garland  erreur Unknown column 'access' in 'field list'

sudo drush archive-dump

sudo mkdir sites/all/libraries 
et sudo cp -R /var/www/gandi/sites/all/libraries/ckeditor/ sites/all/libraries/ckeditor

dl  et  sudo mv ~/Téléchargements/cck sites/all/modules/cck
Enable the CCK Content Migrate module sudo drush en cck content_migrate , vider cache
admin/structure/content_migrate cf

sudo drush updatedb   Column not found: 1054 Unknown column 'access' in 'field list' ...  FROM {xmlsitemap} WHERE type = :type AND id = :id LIMIT 0, 1
sudo drush dis xmlsitemap

xmlsitemap est en v 6.1, autant le désinstaller.