


v6.x-4.4 requiert autoload module (allows other modules to leverage PHP 5's class autoloading capabilities in a unified fashion).  PHP 5.1.2 or later. Drupal 6 only, autoload is not required for D7 since it has a better mechanism built in.

Tout l'affichage est en anglais. Pour le fichier de trad: http://localize.drupal.org/translate/downloads?project=quiz

Ca bug un peu avec ckeditor (barres d'outils), penser à le retirer dans les pages de création des questions.

J'ai créé des roles pour le module et des users. Voir cette note technique (type de contenu caché) pour le détail...

Activation modules: autoload, Quiz core: 6.x-4.4 et Question, Quiz adon, Quiz question (court, long, Vrai/faux)


Type de contenu Quiz

Lors activation, un type de contenu est créé. Dans le menu d'admin, un menu "Quiz managment" apparait, avec 2 lignes "report & score" et "settings"

settings / configuration: lien /admin/quiz/settings/config

It is strongly recommended that auto revisioning is always on. It makes sure that when a question or quiz is changed a new revision is created if the current revision has been answered. If this feature is switched off result reports might be broken because a users saved answer might be connected to a wrong version of the quiz and/or question she was answering. All sorts of errors might appear.

to send email, ...


par défaut voici la conf

Taking options
  • Allow Resume
    Whether to allow users to leave the Quiz incomplete and then resume it from where they left off.
  • Allow Skipping questions Whether to allow users to skip questions in the Quiz
  • No randomization
    The difference between "random order" and "random questions" is that with "random questions" questions are drawn randomly from a pool of questions. With "random order" the quiz will always consist of the same questions. With "Categorized random questions" you can choose several terms questions should be drawn from, and you can also choose how many questions that should be drawn from each, and max score for each term.

  • Feedback

    Indicates at what point feedback for each question will be given to the user


  • Display solution
Display the users answers and the correct answers for all questions along with the score for each question.


avaibil options

Always Available : Click this option to ignore the open and close dates.


pass fail options

Pass rate for Quiz: 75%

Summary text if passed:  saisir "Bravo !"
Summary for when the user gets enough correct answers to pass the Quiz. Leave blank if you don't want to give different summary text if they passed or if you are not using the 'percent to pass' option above. If you don't use the 'Percentage needed to pass' field above, this text will not be used.

Default summary text : Default summary. Leave blank if you don't want to give a summary.



vide si aucun module de question n'a été activé :)


Ensuite, affecter les permissions... Voir cette note technique (type de contenu caché) pour le détail...


Ajout du 1er quiz


add 2


  • You just created a new quiz. Now you have to add questions to it. This page is for adding and managing questions. Here you can create new questions or add some of your already created questions. If you want to change the quiz settings, you can use the "edit" tab.
  • Le contenu 'Test simple', de type 'Quiz', a été créé.

Un nouvel onglet, "Manage question", apparait sur le nouveau contenu créé. En passant, on l'a ajouté au primary link.



