sudo drush -l http://site01 omega-wizard Please enter the name of the new sub-theme [Omega Subtheme]: MonO4-v0 Please enter a machine-readable name for your new theme [mono4_v0]: mono4v0 Please choose a base theme for your new theme [0] : Cancel [1] : MonTO4 (Subtheme of Omega) - Please provide a description for your theme. [2] : Ohm (Subtheme of Omega) - Omega based demonstration theme. Serves as a best-practice reference for the Omega documentation. Ohm will be constantly updated as best practice evolves so shouldn't be used in production. [3] : Omega - A powerful HTML5 base theme framework utilizing tools like Sass, Compass, Grunt, Bower, Ruby Version Manager, Bundler and more. 3 Please choose a starterkit for your new theme [0] : Cancel [1] : Default: Comes with a well organized Sass setup with heavy use of partials. (Provided by Omega) 1 Please choose a destination. This is where your sub-theme will be placed Please choose a destination type. [0] : Cancel [1] : Site (e.g. 'all' or '') [2] : Installation profile [3] : Parent theme 1 Please choose a site. [0] : Cancel [1] : site01 [2] : site03 [3] : site02 [4] : all 4 Do you want to keep the starterkit's readme files? (y/n): y Do you want to enable your new theme? (y/n): y Do you want to make your new theme the default theme? (y/n): n Make new site in the current directory? (y/n): y Beginning to build libraries.make. [ok] selectivizr downloaded from [ok] html5shiv downloaded from [ok] respond downloaded from [ok] matchmedia downloaded from [ok] pie downloaded from [ok] You have successfully created the theme MonO4-v0 (mono4v0) in sites/all/themes. [success]