Archives drupal 8

Vers migration drupal 8 - archives migration (migrer de d7->d7, v6->v7...)

Update de Mars 2017 (drupal 8.3.0-rc1)

drupal 8 requiert

espace disque entre 15 MB (mini) et 60 MB. Apache 2.x (avec mod_rewrite) ou Nginx (avec ngx_http_rewrite_module) ; MySQL - 5.5.3 ou MariaDB 5.5.20 ;

PHP 5.5.9 or higher
mémoire PHP : le core Drupal 8 requiert 64MB

Pour les dev, PHP 5.4.0 (et +) propose un srv web - à ne pas utiliser en prod, mais pour test et dev. Drush (grace au module drupal "PHP server") lance ce srv.

Update de Novembre 2015

Drupal 8.0.0 est sortit le 19/11/2015. Les maj seront publiées les 1er mercredis et tous les 6 mois.
Drupal 7.41 reste la version privilégiée. Le support Drupal 6 se termine le 24 février 2016.

A lire:


Drupal 8: MySQL 5.5.3, ... with PDO and an InnoDB-compatible primary storage engine,
Drupal 7: MySQL 5.0.15, ... "

versions PHP
  • Drupal 8: PHP 5.5.9 or higher
  • Drupal 7: PHP 5.2.5 or higher (5.4 or higher recommended).
  • Drupal 6: PHP 5.x only (5.2.5 or higher recommended). Warning: support for PHP 4.x has been dropped. Drupal core should work with PHP 5.3.x, but PHP 5.3.x and higher may produce errors or unexpected behavior especially for contributed modules and themes.

Drupal 7 & 6 : apache 2 (t 1.3). Plus à

You can use the Apache 'mod_rewrite' extension to allow for clean URLs. Note that with Drupal 8, clean urls are enabled by default and can't be disabled, so mod_rewrite needs to be installed and enabled for Drupal 8 to work.

The Apache Virtualhost configuration must contain the directive AllowOverride All to allow Drupal's .htaccess file to be used.

If the Apache server has Options +MultiViews enabled by default, then the Apache Virtualhost configuration should also contain Options -MultiViews (or have -MultiViews added to the existing Options directive). et voir doc en pj

en Mars 2014

Drupal 8 nécessite PHP 5.4.2 au min

Voir et  (cf article

Les CSS drupal 8 suivent SMACSS 

en fr

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